
What is Egyptian Initiatives?

Egyptian Initiatives is an independent, non-political, non-religious, and non-profit online awareness platform aiming for selecting and highlighting all the valuable initiatives within the Egyptian Society that contribute to making Egypt a better place. We believe in the power of the Egyptian people, independent of the government, independent of any political or religious groups, and independent of any constrains. We believe that we together, as Egyptians, can actively contribute on daily basis to making our society, our lives, and the lives of others continuously better.

The Egyptian society is facing serious problems such as poverty, hunger and polution among many others. We believe that with proper awareness and the contribution and the active participation of the people, we can actively find solutions to such problems, and this is where this platform comes to play an important role. Egyptianinitiatives.com will act as an awareness and communication channel promoting different important initiatives/organizations under one roof, capitalizing on the power of the internet and social media as a medium, to encourage active participation and also to foster the birth of new valuable initiatives. In the future we plan on providing this platform as a collaboration platform between the different initiatives, organizations, individuals, and corporate sponsors to plan and organize nation-wide projects tackling problems on a massive scale, providing a sort of non-governmental social security/solidarity (تكافل اجتماعي).

For detailed information please click here: http://www.egyptianinitiatives.com/blog/2010/02/the-concept/

Egyptian Food Bank

Egyptian Food BankEFB is a charitable entity aimed at the supply and delivery of food to orphans, elders, widows, needy families and persons incapable of work or profit. EFB is sponsored by a number of private sector companies, in collaboration with volunteer individuals. The EFB idea is set on accepting monetary and material donations as well as unused or extra foods, through collection from different entities, companies, organizations or individuals and making use of it by offering healthy meals on periodical schedules to the true needy.

Our Message:

“To overcome hunger through accepting monetary, material and moral support from different organizations and individuals to supply appropriate food to the true needy on a continuous basis”

Our Vision:

“The Egyptian Food Bank wishes to overcome hunger by being the link between those capable people and those needing help.”

Our Goal:

“Overcoming hunger in Egypt.”

Contact Information

Official Website

Facebook Group

Tel: 02-25080000
Email: [email protected]
Address: 6 Nafoura St., Moukatam, Cairo.

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Submit an Initiative

Simply send us an e-mail with a description of your organization or initiative:

[email protected]

We do not endorse any political or religious initiatives, since those initiatives tend to cause a lot of dispute, and we are trying to bring our society together for the greater good of our people.

Participate Today!

It is very easy! Participate by checking out the initiatives listed below and start taking action in your everyday life! Awareness is also an important factor in the success of this platform, so spread the word, tell your friends, post a link to the website on your facebook profile, add a link to your website, or just tweet about it! Spread the word!


The website is still under construction, and we will be adding more features to it very soon allowing for an even more active participation from everyone!

For Bloggers

If you are a blogger and you believe in the cause of this platform, post about it in your blog and let your readers know about it.

You can also help us spread the word by adding the following badge to your blog!

Egyptian Initiatives - Initiatives worth spreading. For a better Egypt.

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